Environmental impact
Mimics the natural conditions of coral reefs creating an environment for breeding and restoration of marine populations of the varieties of species in the food chain: mussels, shrimps, crabs, sea snails, fish.
Relieves the ecosystem from extra organics by providing mussels and co-species to be harvested. This turns ORTO into a powerful natural anti-eutrophication “Dead Zones”
Creates a marine protected area from overfishing, bottom trawling and other unsustainable practices.
Improves and sustains water transparency, reviving the macro-algae.
Mussels’ production has an extremely low carbon footprint. Natural carbon mineralization in the mussel shell. 1 Pisa Reef module absorbs 1373kg CO2/yr. (164t CO2/yr. per 120 Pisa Reef modules), making 1ha of ORTO area = 1ha forest.
Greenhouse effective animal protein production: Mussel production is associated with 400 hundred times less carbon than the beef meat production – not requiring any animal feed, fresh water or fertilizers.
Mussels clean nitrogen and pollution from the water, reducing emissions of nitrogen oxide, a potent greenhouse gas. Mussel protein does not emit N and P, like beef, pork, chicken and fish.
Shellfish are an alternative source of protein to meat, lower in fat, easier to digest.
Non-market size mussels are an effective animal feed resource and mineral supplement (Ca and microelements) for farmed animals and pets
Reverse soil nutrients cycle – mussel shells are rich on microelements (N, P) – base for producing natural mineral soil fertilizer
Shells are a proven eco-friendly construction material.
Highest Artificial Reef impact – maximum water layers efficiency
Artificial sound reduction effect.
Coastal erosion defence by decreasing the wave abrasion
Pisa Reefs replace all synthetic fibre ropes and do not emit micro plastics.
Designed to be 100 % recycled and can be constructed with recycled materials